We are welcoming Dr Ben Vialle to Prepare4RANZCP.
MCQ and CEQ courses are now online for 2024. 
MEQ courses will re-launch soon for 2025.

Online courses to help you pass the 
2024 RANZCP exams

Prepare4RANZCP exam courses are based on extensive trainee feedback, careful and in-depth study of what the College is expecting and best-practice adult-learning techniques. 

Our courses are designed around the principles of coaching - cycles of practice, direct feedback and technique adjustment. 

After more than 10 years of supporting trainees through the written exams and studying results and examiner feedback, Professor Richard Harvey's courses are based on a good understanding of what the College expects of "consultant-level" ability and "broad and deep knowledge" of psychiatry. From 2024, Dr Ben Vialle will be hosting Professor Harvey's Prepare4RANZCP courses and supporting trainees in their exam preparation. 

There are no short-cuts and no tricks, but there are solid techniques that you can learn.

Courses are hosted in a user-friendly online Learning Management System, and are available 24/7 for trainees to work through at their own pace.

Registration is free, and once registered, you can see the full details of each course and try the first module for free. 

A subscription to a course will give you access until 1 day after the sitting of the exam for which the course is published.

Professor Richard Harvey MBBS MD MRCPsych FRANZCP FPOA AMA(M)
Dr Ben VIalle MBBS GradDipEduc GradCertClinEduc BA(Hons)